Subtera’s goal is to respond quickly to client requests for information and quotes on subsurface utility location and concrete scanning across Perth, to provide prompt, competitively priced service, and to deliver the subsurface scanning results direct to the client from site.
Consider the project you have in hand, and get started on subsurface location work before you go to site. Subtera can help here with preparatory work including desktop research and planning assistance.
The Subtera team, properly briefed and armed with the right information, can complete their subsurface work quickly and efficiently, and deliver visual confirmation of service locations whilst still on site. Our ground penetrating radar and cable locators in Peth are both reliable and safe.
Having established where the services are located, you should have a plan as to how to protect them from the earthmoving and construction works you plan to undertake. Subtera can assist in this area.
Get to work on your project armed with the knowledge of the existing subsurface utilities. Eliminate costly planning delays, prevent life threatening incidents and damage to existing subsurface utilities.

Subsurface utilities surveyed and added to AutoCAD drawing

Subsurface utilities located

High resolution photo of area